Adjusting XT disc brakes?
(too old to reply)
2004-01-21 07:56:25 UTC
I'm new to disc brakes, and have two questions. Firstly, how do I adjust the
travel distance of the brake lever? Secondly, how do I adjust the distance
between the brake calipers? The front calipers seem to be in a semi-closed
position at all times, which makes it impossible to get the wheel back on
once its removed. Do I need to 'bleed' the brakes? TIA.

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Chris Phillipo
2004-01-21 19:23:46 UTC
In article <400e3050$0$2447$***@news.rcn.com>, ***@rcn.com
Post by Moi
I'm new to disc brakes, and have two questions. Firstly, how do I adjust the
travel distance of the brake lever? Secondly, how do I adjust the distance
between the brake calipers? The front calipers seem to be in a semi-closed
position at all times, which makes it impossible to get the wheel back on
once its removed. Do I need to 'bleed' the brakes? TIA.
Push the pistons back in by wedging a plastic scraper or knife between
the pads, push them all the way back to the caliper, if they do not stay
there the system may be over filled, with the resevoir sitting level,
take the cover off, there should not be so much fluid in there that it
spills over the sides when the pads are pushed all the way back. As for
the lever adjustment I can't remember what if any adjustment they have
but usually it's a hidden screw at the lever pin.
Chris Phillipo - Cape Breton, Nova Scotia

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